May 25, 2016
Dear Shaker Figure Skating Club Member:
On behalf of the Shaker Figure Skating Club, thank you for your membership and participation in Club activities this past year. Your current membership expires June 30, 2016, and, as we head into summer, it’s time to renew your membership for 2016– 2017. You will notice that the membership fees are slightly more than last year. This is due to an increase that national USFSA now charges all clubs.
Please click here for the Membership Application, the Release/Emergency Medical Information Form, and a Concussion Information Sheet for you to read and keep, and the Parent Code of Conduct—each of which should be completed and returned with payment to me by June 30, 2016. The first two forms must be completed for each skater. Only the Parent Code of Conduct can be submitted as one per family. I apologize for the duplication of information, but it is a necessary part of keeping your information up to date and at readily available if there is an emergency.
I urge you to renew right away to ensure that your membership does not lapse. After July 1, if you do not renew, your skater will not be able to participate in USFS tests, competitions (i.e., Mentor Sunshine, Showcase Nationals) or other Club activities.
Please feel free to contact me at or 216.789.9148 if you have any questions. I’m looking forward to another great year with SFSC!
Debra Hollander
SFSC Membership Chair