- Kori Ade
- Rob Peal
WHEN: JUNE 7 – 9, 2024 (Friday – Sunday)
REGISTRATION: April 25 to May 10
* REGISTER HERE: [ [ SFSC Entryeeze ] ]
* BE PUT ON THE WAITING LIST: [ [ Email The Event Chairs] ]
As Programs fill up, we will create a waiting list. If the Clinic Program that you want to enroll in is full, please contact the Event Chairs to be placed on the waiting list. If a space opens up in this Clinic, we will work our way down the waiting list. See more information below in Registration, Step 1.
From June 7-9, 2024, SFSC will host its second annual S.H.A.R.P.4Sports elite skating skills clinic. This weekend-long clinic will be led by nationally and internationally recognized coaches Kori Ade and Rob Peal, using the comprehensive athlete and coaching curriculum developed by S.H.A.R.P.4Sports. The clinic will feature dedicated small group programming for freeskaters, ice dancers, aspire level skaters, and adults. New this year, the clinic also offers a Coaches College.
3301 Warrensville Center Road
Shaker Hts, OH 44122
– Register on EntryEeze: REGISTRATON LINK
– Select your Clinic Track and Program add-ons
– All Applicants will be charges a $15 Registration Fee
– Non-SFSC Members will be charged a $50 Out-Of-Club Fee
– Guests may need to follow THESE INSTRUCTIONS once logged into Entryeeze. These can be found under “Announcements” on SFSC’s Entryeeze homepage.
– Registration is open until May 10th
– LATE Registration is open until May 24th ($30 Late Fee)
– WAITING LIST acceptance begins May 24th. When/IF a spot become available, the Waiting List applicant will be notified by email of their approval to enroll and given 24 hours to complete their LATE Entryeeze registration. We will then move down the list until the available spot is taken.
– Once Registration is paid on Entryeeze, a Supplemental Application Form will be sent via email.
– SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO MAY 13. If not received by May 13, you will be refunded, and your spot will be made available to others for LATE registration.
STEP 3: Beginning May 20
– Groups assigned and emailed to participants.
STEP 4: Beginning June 3
– Private Lessons assigned and emailed to participants. More information can be found below on this page. You will be able to reserve ice for your lesson beginning on June 1st.
A. FREESTYLE CLINIC __2-Day (Sat & Sun) ($300)
— 8:00am-6:30pm Saturday, 9:00am-3:30 Sunday. 30 spots available (divided into skill and age-appropriate groups)
This 2-Day high performance clinic will put committed skaters through their paces as they work with Kori and Rob on and off the ice. In addition to on-ice and off-ice programming throughout both days, Saturday night will include a skaters’ dinner at the rink focusing on team building and positive social engagement within the sport. Sunday will include more on and off ice sessions culminating in a Program Exhibition Performance (see item F below). Clinic participants may opt to add-on performance of their competition program during the Exhibition – Kori and Rob will provide discussion, feedback, and constructive criticism throughout. Lunch will be provided Saturday and Sunday. **The 2-Day Program is designed for skaters from Excel Prelim to Senior Well Balanced.
B. FREESTYLE CLINIC__Half-Day (Sat) ($175)
— 8:00am-1:15pm Saturday, 12 spots available.
This half-day program, designed for aspiring younger skaters, will divide into groups and include on and off ice classes tailored towards the development of skaters progressing through the fundamental and early competitive levels of the sport. The clinic will focus on building healthy habits for conditioning, emotional intelligence, confidence, and technique. Expect focused work on lots of the fundamental skating skills and body movement that will drive success on and off the ice. Lunch and fun will be provided. **The 1/2-Day Program is designed for skaters from Aspire 1 (or LTS Freestyle 1) up to Excel Pre-Pre. Must have valid USFS number and a Home Club (not necessarily SFSC).
C. ICE DANCE CLINIC ___Half-Day (Fri) ($150)
— 4:30pm-9:00pm Friday, 12 spots available.
Ice Dance Clinic with Rob Peal. This 4-1/2 hour Ice Dance clinic with Rob Peal will explore the development of athleticism and artistry, and the solid skill foundation necessary to be a successful athlete on and off the ice. A series of on and office ice sessions, tailored for mid to high level ice dancers, will focus on training and techniques for body control, edges, skating skill, and movement. This Clinic is designed to be stand alone, but will also flow into the Freestyle Clinic for those choosing to attend both. **The Ice Dance Program is designed for ice dancers currently training and/or competing at mid to higher levels.
D. ADULT CLINIC ___Half-Day (Fri) ($150)
— 4:30pm-9:00pm Friday, 10 spots available.
Adult Specialized Training Clinic with Kori Ade. This 4-1/2 hour clinic will include on and off ice sessions focusing on a mix of stretching and flexibility, conditioning, core circuits, body control, movement, emotional intelligence, as well as jump technique, skating skills, spins, athleticism and artistry. Participants will experience elite instruction tailored for adult athletes that can be used on and off ice for all levels of adult skaters. **The Adult Program is designed for adult skaters of all levels and will accommodate the levels and abilities of those who enroll.
E. COACH COLLEGE – (PSA CE credit is available) ($175)
— Saturday (All Day) + Coaches Dinner with Kori, 15 spots available.
Coaching Education with Kori Ade. Kori runs a robust Coaching Education Program at SHARP4Sports and will bring that knowledge and methodology to SFSC. Our Coach College includes coaching seminars with Kori, guided observation of coaching techniques employed by Kori and Rob during the clinics, and ends with a Coach Dinner and Discussion with Kori/Rob held at a near-by private residence. Enrolled coaches may choose to also observe all programs on Friday and Sunday. Lunch will be provided.
— Note 1: $25 refunded if three or more of your skaters attends the seminar. Refund Issued following close of registration. Please email the SFSC Event Chairs to receive this refund.
— Note 2: For all SFSC Contract Coaches (2023-2024), the $50 out-of-club registration fee charged automatically by Entryeeze to coaches whose home club is not SFSC will be refunded. You must have a current coaching contract with SFSC in good standing. Please email the SFSC Event Chairs if you are charged this fee.
— Sunday afternoon, All are welcome
All registered skaters and coaches will attend the afternoon exhibition and performance discussion workshop (including performances by 2 national competitors ANTONIO and IZZY as well as seminar skaters). Clinic participants may opt to skate in the exhibition – they will perform their competitive program and receive feedback and a constructive critique from both Kori and Rob. To skate, please purchase the “Exhibition Performance and Critique” Add-On when registering for the Clinic on Entryeeze. **This Add-On is available to 2-Day Freestyle, Ice Dance, and Adult Clinic Participants, and is intended for programs at or above Excel Preliminary Plus (or Pre-Pre Well Balanced). 12 performance spots available.
G. PRIVATE and SEMI-PRIVATE LESSONS ($150/hour + Club Ice Reservation)
Kori and Rob will offer optional private and semi-private lessons for clinic participants on Saturday and Sunday before and after clinic programming.
***To book private lessons: Please indicate interest on the SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION FORM which will be emailed to you following Entryeeze Registration completion. Additional information on Private Lessons can be found below.
Friday 6/7 (evening)
– Adult Clinic (4.5 hours, on and off ice)
– Ice Dance (4.5 hours, on and off ice)
Saturday 6/8 (full day)
– Freestyle: Half-day Option [Designed for Aspire – Excel Preliminary]
– Freestyle: Full-day Option [Designed for Excel Prelim Plus – Well Balanced Senior]
– Stroking, Edges, Power, Drills, Spins, Jumps, Movement & Components, Off-Ice Ballet & Fitness
– Coaches’ College [w/ Kori]
– Coaches’ Dinner [Q&A + Networking], hosted off-site
– Skater Dinner + Team building Activities, hosted at Thornton
– Lunch & Snacks provided during the Clinic
Sunday 6/9 (full day)
– Freestyle Clinics (Edges, Turns, Footwork, Technical Drills)
– Exhibition & Performance Critique Sessions
– Lunch & Snacks provided during the Clinic
– SCHEDULE: The Private and Semi-Private Lesson schedule will be emailed our on Friday 5/31 to those who indicated interest on the Supplemental Application during Step 2 of Registration.
– PAYMENT FOR LESSONS: Coaches’ lesson fees will be billed directly to you via email from S.H.A.R.P.4Sports. You will be responsible for paying S4S directly for your private lessons.
– BOOKING ICE FOR LESSONS: All Skaters using the ice for Private and Semi-Private lessons, or for Practice, must book ice time using ICE+, our club’s ice booking website. Clinic Participants may reserve ice beginning Saturday 6/1, and must book ice time prior to the day of their lesson. Guests will need to create an Ice+ Guest Account in order to reserve ice time. Once logged in, skaters can easily find and reserve S4S Clinic Ice Sessions by clicking on the link provided on the menu at the right within Ice+.
— ICE+ for SFSC Member & Returning Guests: Reserve ice on Ice+
— ICE+ for SFSC New Guests: Reserve ice on Ice+
— Ice Rates: $17/hr for SFSC Members, $21/hr for Guests
– TEACHING DURING S4S PRACTICE ICE: All Coaches wishing to hold private lessons with their seminar skaters during S4S Practice Ice sessions must register as a Club or Guest Coach with SFSC in advance of the seminar. Seminar participant Coaches wishing to hold private lessons with their students during S4S Practice Ice sessions must register as a Club or Guest Coach with SFSC in advance of the seminar. Contact SFSC Seminar Event Chairs with questions.
An Detailed Clinic Schedule will be posted the week of the clinic. Adjustments will be made depending on enrollment.
Email questions to the SFSC Seminar Event Chairs:
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