Here’s a recap of our club’s needs for the HS competition, February 8-9. Remember that you don’t have to have a skater competing to help. We’d love for you to join the SFSC volunteer force that makes this competition happen! VOLUNTEER: Click the links below to sign up to volunteer:...

OHHS Hospitality Food & Beverage Donations
Thank you for supporting the Judges Hospitality Suite for the Ohio High School Team Competition 2020! Your food and beverage donations help fill the Judges Suite across the whole weekend. And we know that well fed judges are happy! Please take a moment to look through the pages of...

HS Competition Monitoring Details
The High School competition needs your help! Please consider getting certified in SafeSport and volunteering as a monitor. Having monitors outside the locker rooms is necessary so that competitors can use the locker rooms. It is easy and a fun way to be involved! If you have any questions or...

February Test Session Scheduled
SFSC is having a test session on Monday, February 24, 2020 from 10 am – 3 pm for all levels of freestyle, MITF and dance. Applications are being accepted now on Entryeeze. If you have questions, please contact our Test Chairs, Erika Leiken ( or Lauren Rivchun (

Spring Contract Begins Monday 1/6
Happy New Year Shaker Figure Skating Club Members! The spring contract begins on Monday, January 6, 2020. You can access the contract details on our forms page at If you have not already contracted for the spring session, now is the time! Please visit the Entryeeze website to contract your skater....

Spring 2020 Contract Available Now
To: All active members, The Spring 2020 Ice Contract is now available for purchase! Please log into your membership account and choose the CONTRACT ICE tab to begin registering for SPRING 2020 sessions. An early bird discount will be given to all skaters contracting at least 2 hours of ice time per week...

Jump Lessons with World Renowned Pole Harness Specialist Geoff Dionisio Dec 9-11
Geoff will be back in Cleveland next week: Monday Dec 9, Tuesday Dec 10, and Wednesday Dec 11. He will be available for lessons at Winterhurst and at Shaker. He is already booked for lessons at the Cleveland Skating Club on Tuesday 3:00pm-6:00pm. He will be teaching in Columbus...

Help at the Holiday Show this Saturday!
Greetings SFSC Families: We still need help for the Raffle and Bake Sale on Saturday. If you are willing to donate any items (gift cards, etc) for the raffle, please bring to the rink by Wednesday. To sign up to contribute to the bake sale or help on the...

Celebrate Skate Competition: Registration and Coupon Code
Good Evening, Euclid Blade and Edge Figure Skating Club is hosting the 2020 Celebrate Skate Basic Skills Competition on Saturday January 25, 2020. To those skaters who register for the Celebrate Skate Competition tomorrow on Cyber Monday 12/02/2019 there will be a Coupon code for $10 off at checkout....

Holiday Show on 12/7: Sign Up Now!
Dear SFSC Families: The 2019 SFSC Holiday Show will take place on Saturday, December 7 from 4:45-6:45 pm. The cost is $15 per skater and each number should be about 1:30 in length. Skaters may perform alone or form duets/trios/groups. Winter/holiday songs are welcome, but songs do not have...