We want to give everyone a heads up that Thornton will reopen for our normal ice schedule starting on December 14 and run through December 23 (note a few extra days), provided that Cuyahoga County is not designated as purple. The county color status is due to be announced on...

Correction – new (earlier) Saturday ice schedule starts 11/21
Note that our earlier morning Saturday ice does not start until 11/21. An earlier email incorrectly said that it would start this weekend, 11/14. The times in Ice+ are correct: – Saturday 11/14: 12noon-1PM; 1PM-2PM – Saturday 11/21 and Saturdays beyond: 11AM-12noon; 12noon-1PM I apologize for the confusion. Thanks,...

**IMPORTANT** This evening we were informed that a skating coach tested positive for Covid-19 and that coach’s students may have been exposed to the virus. Following consultation with the Cuyahoga County Board of Health, the students and their families that may have been impacted are being notified by email...

Please Note: Updates to Ice Times
Starting Saturday November 21, Saturday ice times are moving one hour earlier. Also, ice is available at our regular times now through December 19th.

Refrain from purple reign (Ice Schedule)
A message from your SFSC Ice Administrator: I am sure for many of us, it has been a very long time since we have last obsessed so much about a color. But, in good news, we aren’t Purple and Thornton staying open and that means more ice! I am...

Ice Times Change
Thornton has changed the times of some of our ice for Mondays and Fridays: Monday 5:15-6:15PM is now Monday 5:00-6:00PM Monday 6:15-7:15PM is now Monday 6:00-7:00PM Friday 4:30-5:30PM is now Friday 5:15-6:15PM Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience. Rob Northrop Ice Administrator Shaker Figure Skating Club

SFSC Ice Open Tomorrow 10/10
Thornton is reopening in the morning and we will have our ice at our normal time: 11-Noon and Noon-1PM. Please register if you want to skate tomorrow. If you were previously registered for ice tomorrow, you will need to please register again. Please also see the note...

Our Ice Schedule is Set Through Halloween – SPOOKY!
Sign up if you dare! Weekly schedule is the same as this week. Also, as a gentle reminder, our ice is available for our club members, but if you know someone that is looking for ice, we have a very reasonably priced associate membership that...

Ice Payment Day of Reckoning is Arriving Soon
Many of you have been diligently asking about paying for your ice. Today, we released a new version of Ice+ and we will be asking our members to settle their account (i.e. pay for their ice) starting October 1 and then monthly going forward. Please see the FAQ...

Ice Times (and Procedures)- They Are a Changin’
Come gather ’round, skaters… I hope this finds everyone well (and yes I am listening to the famous Bob Dylan song as I write this email). We have a few important updates tonight- there will be another email on ice payments coming shortly. But first, we want...