Due to lack of registration, we have cancelled the Tuesday strength and fitness class (STARS).

Fall Ice Contract Has Begun: Reminders and Date Change
Reminder: the Fall 2016 SFSC ice contract starts this week. If you haven’t already turned in your contract please do so ASAP. Also. There is an error on the contract changes. Yom Kippur Silver Clinic cancellation is listed as Sept 21. This should be Oct 12. Please note. There...

Fall Contract Clinic Update
The Silver Clinic (Wednesdays) will be taught by Graziella Tasca and Jackie Redenshek Henry. They will alternate weeks teaching the clinic. If enough skaters contract for the clinic, Graziella and Jackie will team teach the clinic each week.

Ice Show Tryouts October 22
The city has informed us that ice show tryouts will be on October 22 in place of the public session at 2:30 pm. Details and criteria are forthcoming.

City Ice Schedule August 8-12
The city has revised the schedule for Aug 8 – 12 as follows: 6 – 7:30 am Open Freestyle 7:30 – 9 am Open Freestyle The cost for these sessions is $10 residents – $13 non-residents.

President’s Letter and Releases
Please click here for a letter from Rochelle Paley, SFSC President, welcoming you to our new season, explaining communication procedures and opportunities to get involved with our club, and some additional details regarding the Fall contract. In addition to the contract, USFS sent us additional releases for all of our...

Fall Preview is August 25th
The Shaker FSC will be hosting our Annual Fall Preview on August 25, 2016 from 7:00-8:30 pm at Thornton Park Ice Arena. If there is high demand for the preview we will open slots beginning as early as 6:00 pm. The cost is $10 for first program, $8 for second program. There...

Volunteer Opportunity: 2016 National Showcase
Greater Cleveland Council of Figure Skating Clubs would like you to assist at the upcoming National Showcase Competition to be held August 10th through August 14th at OBM Arena. This is a potential fundraiser for the club. Please use the link below to sign up to volunteer. Due to program restrictions any club...

Fall Contract is Now Available!
The fall 2016 contract is available by clicking here. It is also always accessible on our forms page. Please return completed contracts as soon as possible. Contracts postmarked on or before August 15 will maintain priority. Please note that we are working to secure an instructor for the silver clinic and...

City Ice Schedule 8/8-8/21
The city’s late summer (August 8-21) ice schedule is posted here: http://www.shakeronline.com/assets/downloads/recreation/thornton-park/latesummerschedule2016.pdf