The Shaker Figure Skating Club Annual Holiday Show will be held on December 10, 2016 from 4:45-6:45 p.m. We are looking for duets, trios, small groups and of course solos for the show. Skaters may skate to any type of music, but each program should be limited to 1:30....

Help with Ice Show Registration
We need your help. We are looking for parents and skaters to help at Learn To Skate ice show registration. The city will provide a table with ice show stuff (costumes, pictures, programs etc) and we will answer questions about participation in the show. If you are able to...

Brooklyn Autumn Skills Deadline Extended to 10/21
A reminder from the Brooklyn Figure Skating Club: Registration for the Autumn Skills competition (November 19-20) has been extended to Friday, October 21st. You can register by clicking here.

SFSC Dress, Practice Clothes, & Costume Sale is October 27-29
It’s that time of the year to clean out your closets and sell your old skating dresses, warm ups and ice show costumes! Bring new life to a competition dress by selling it to a new skater or sell fun ice show costumes that someone will use for Halloween...

Ice Show Tryout Date Change
Ice Show tryouts have been moved from Saturday, October 22 to Saturday, October 29. The time will remain 2:30-4:30 PM. If you are unable to attend the tryouts on the new date you may submit a video. Video must be submitted no later than Wednesday, October 26. I do...

Ice Show Registration is Underway!
Ice Show is May 5th and 6th and registration is underway! Registration forms and specialty audition forms are available at Thornton Park or on our forms page. This year, SFSC plans to drum up enthusiasm for ice show registration by assisting in registration of learn to skate participants. Please click here to...

Join Us for Cake to Celebrate SFSC Skaters Heading to Sectionals!
Please join us for cake on Saturday, October 29th at 11:30am to celebrate SFSC member skaters who have qualified to compete at USFS Sectional Competitions in November: Nathan Chapple, Tina Rackley, and SFSC coach Katie McBeath. Best of luck to all of you!

2017 Ohio HS Team Figure Skating Championships: Registration is now OPEN!
The 2017 Ohio High School Team Figure Skating Championships will be held February 11-12, 2017. Registration for the Ohio High School Team Figure Skating Championships is now open! You may register online at Please direct any questions to SFSC does an amazing job hosting this competition but can’t do it without...

Congrats to SFSC Skaters at Eastern Great Lakes Regional Championships
Zoe Krantz who placed 4th in the initial round of juvenile girls and advanced to the final rounds at the Eastern Great Lakes Regional Figure Skating Championships. Nathan Chapple placed 3rd place Novice Men at the Eastern Great Lakes Regional Figure Skating Competition. Nathan has qualified to compete at...

Good Luck SFSC Skaters!