Winterhurst proudly invites you to attend the Cleveland Invitational Championships, March 17-19, 2017. In addition to individual Free Skate, Compulsory/Jumps/Spins, Adult, Showcase, Test Track, and IJS events, our competition has been awarded the National Solo Dance qualifying events. Please click here for the competition announcement. The registration deadline is midnight...

Spring Contracts Due!
Have you sent in your spring contract? The Spring 2017 contract begins on Monday, January 2. At this point, there is still time and space on all sessions and classes to contract…but some sessions will likely fill, so please contact Angie Chapple-Wang ASAP if you plan to contract for the spring!

Spring Ice Contract Now Available
Please click here for the 2017 spring ice contract. Spring contact begins Monday, January 2, 2017. To receive priority, completed contracts must be post marked no later than December 28, 2016. If you have any questions, please contact the Club Administrator, Angie Chapple-Wang at Thanks and have a great winter break!

Holiday Show Promotional Graphic – Please share!

Only Ten Days Remain to Register for the Ice Show!
Registration for the Shaker Heights Ice show ends on December 12. A link to the registration form is on our forms page. Please contact Chelsea Carlson at 216-295-3461 if you have any questions.

Holiday Show: Help Wanted!
We need your help! Please consider volunteering on December 10th for our holiday show and the Rossbach Learn To Skate competition. You may sign up online to help by clicking here. We also need items for the gift basket raffle. If you have questions, please contact Rochelle Paley or...

City of Shaker Heights Holiday Ice Schedule Posted
Friday, December 16th is the last day of SFSC’s fall 2016 contract. You may access the city’s holiday break schedule by clicking here. Questions regarding the city’s schedule should be directed to Thornton Park at 216-491-1295.

SFSC Gear Makes Great Holiday Gifts – Order by 12/12
SFSC is once again offering club gear for holiday gifts and 20% of sales benefit our club. Order form is on our forms page or click here to see the flyer. Samples for some items are available in the club room. Order deadline is Monday, December 12th and items will be available...

SFSC’s Nathan Chapple Advances to USFS Midwestern Sectionals! Watch on Ice Network 11/19 at 12:30pm EST and 11/20 at 9:45am EST!

Gift Basket Raffle
Our annual gift basket raffle will be held during the holiday show. We need your help to make it a success. Please consider donating the following items by December 1: Movie Tickets or Fandango gift cards Restaurant gift cards Starbucks gift cards or coffee mugs Manicure/pedicure gift certificates Candy/chocolate...