Did you know that U.S. Figure Skating’s National Program Components Camp will be coming to Ohio? We are pleased to announce this year’s camp will take place April 21-23 in Strongsville, Ohio. We have a great line up for coaches, faculty and athlete volunteers. Faculty includes Tanith White, 2017 U.S. Pairs Bronze Medalists,...

Public Square Presents Olympic Gold Medalists Davis and White…and Nathan Chapple!
Meryl Davis and Charlie White won Gold in the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. The figure skating champions will headline a free public performance at the Cleveland Foundation Skating Rink on Saturday, February 18th beginning at 1:30 pm. Winterhurst Figure Skating Club Member and Coach, Carol Heiss Jenkins,...

CIC Registration Deadline is February 15th – Time’s Almost Up!
Cleveland Invitational Championships will be held March 17-19, 2017 at Serpentini Arena in Lakewood. The registration deadline is February 15 at midnight. Registration is online at http://comp.entryeeze.com/Home.aspx?cid=359.

Entryeeze Log In – Your Attention Please!
The SFSC move to Entryeeze for membership and testing is going well. Thanks to those members who have logged on and created a password for their online Entryeeze account. If you have not received an email with a prompt to create a login and password through Entryeeze, please first check your spam or trash folders on email to...

Synchro Clinic at University of Notre Dame is April 1-2, 2017

SFSC Moving to Entryeeze System
Dear SFSC membership- We are pleased to announce that we are moving to an online membership and testing sign up system via Entryeeze! Many of you are familiar with Entryeeze through registration for skating competitions throughout the country. The Entryeeze systems allow for a lot of flexibility for the...

SFSC Weather Cancellation Policy
Reminder: Our ice time is cancelled whenever the City of Shaker Heights closes city offices, which includes Thornton Park. We do not follow the Shaker School closing. Often, the schools will be closed, but the rink will be open. We will try to post notice on our Facebook page....

Sign Up to Donate Hospitality for HS Competition
The Shaker Figure Skating Club will be hosting the Ohio High School Competition February 11-12, 2017. As done in years past, we will be providing a hospitality suite, which will provide meals, snacks and drinks, for the judges throughout the weekend. Most of the food will be catered, but...

HS Competition Volunteer Signup Is Live!
We need volunteers! Please consider helping at the upcoming High School Competition February 11-12. You can sign up by clicking here. Thank you!

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities and SFSC Parent T-Shirt Info
We need your help! Please consider volunteering at our upcoming events: National Skating Day – January 21, 2017 from 2:30-4:30 at Thornton Park. We will be serving hot chocolate during public skate and providing information to potential members about our club. More information to follow. Ohio High School Figure...