June 2017 Dear Shaker Figure Skating Club Member: On behalf of the Shaker Figure Skating Club, thank you for your membership and participation in Club activities this past year! Your current membership expires June 30, 2017, and, as we head into summer, it’s time to renew your membership for...

USFS 2017-2018 Scholarship Season Opens Today
For more information, please click here.

STARS Conditioning Cancelled Sunday 5/28
STARS Conditioning class is cancelled for this Sunday. Contracted skaters will receive a credit.

SFSC End of Year Banquet: June 4
Join us for the annual Shaker Figure Skating Club End of Year Banquet on Sunday, June 4th from 4:00-7:00 pm! We will be celebrating all of the hard work and accomplishments of our skaters this year with a party at Pizzazz at Fairmount Circle! Families welcome! Please click here for...

Warrensville Parking Lot – Line Striping
The City parking lot at 3301 Warrensville Center Road (Thornton Park) will be closed for line striping beginning at 7:30pm on Monday, May 22, 2017. The parking lot will remain closed for several hours until the lines are dry. Signs will be hung shortly. Parking will be available in...

Reminder: Trophy Order Forms Due Friday!
Don’t forget that trophy order forms are due this Friday, May 19th. You can order your skater a trophy whether you are attending the banquet or not. For details, please see: https://www.shakerfsc.org/2017-sfsc-trophy-online-order-form/

May Clinic Changes: Please note!
Please note the following clinic changes: Strength & Stretch class (Saturdays 10:00-10:45): Daria will be unavailable Saturday, May 20th and Saturday, May 27th. In her absence, Daniel Klaber will substitute teach these days. Conditioning (STARS): Class will be cancelled on Sunday, May 21st. Marian will be teaching the Conditioning...

Ice Show Photo Sharing: Please View and Add Photos!
SFSC members have asked about photo sharing from the Ice Show. As we did last year, a site has been set up for this purpose at www.shakericeshow2017.shutterfly.com. In the next few days, you will receive an email with the subject “You have been added as a member of the...

2017 SFSC Trophy Online Order Form
If you would like to order a trophy for your child that will be given out at the 2017 SFSC Banquet (or you can receive after the banquet if you are not attending) please fill out the form by clicking here. The SFSC End of the Year Banquet will...

Just Pick Up an Extra Item at the Store! Easy as That!
Please sign up to bring something to the dress rehearsal party this Thursday! https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/10C0F4AAAA722A2F58-dress