Reminder: There is no ice show practice Sunday, March 10.

Revised Ice Show Rehearsal Schedule
Please click here for the ice show revised rehearsal schedule to be sure of your group practice times. Ice show rehearsals begins this Sunday! Questions? Contact Ryan at

Ohio HS Competition Volunteer Signup
Our schedule is up, and we’re getting closer to The Ohio High School Team Figure Skating Championships!! Below are several links to get involved. USFS requires that locker rooms CLOSE in the absence of a Locker Room Monitor. Please note that all Locker Room Monitors MUST be Safe Sport Certified with...

Joint Test Session 2/25-2/26
Our next test session is actually a joint session held between Shaker Figure Skating Club and Pavilion. We are coordinating our efforts and there will be no out-of-club fees for reciprocal members. Pavilion’s test session is Monday, Feb. 25 from 1:45 pm – 6:00 pm Shaker’s test session is Tuesday,...

Change in Spring Contract: No Morning Ice 4/30 and 5/1
Please note that there will be NO morning ice on Tuesday, April 30th and Wednesday, May 1st due to the Ice Show. There will be morning ice sessions on Monday, April 29th. If you have already contracted for Tuesday or Wednesday mornings, you will see this change reflected in the price for...

Ohio HS Competition Late Entry Deadline 12/21
Please take a moment to complete your registration at so you don’t miss out on your opportunity to participate.

Ice Show Registration Deadline Extended to 12/21
Registration for the ice show has been extended to Friday, December 21st. Please contact the city with questions 216-491-1295.

2019 Spring Ice Contract Now Available
To: All active members, The Spring 2019 Ice Contract is now available on Entryeeze! You may now register for spring ice. The Spring Ice Contract begins January 7 and ends June 1. To register for 2019 spring sessions, please be sure that all of your installment payments and punch card...

SFSC Holiday Gifts – Order Online Today!
Order SFSC holiday gifts online for your skater or yourself. Order deadlines are soon! Click here for the ordering link.

December 8: Holiday Show, Raffle, Bake Sale, Club Celebration
The 2018 SFSC Holiday Show will take place on Saturday December 8 from 4:45-6:45 pm. The cost is $15 per skater and each number should be about 1:30 in length. Please complete this form to register for the event no later than November 30, 2018. Please submit payment in...