Greetings SFSC Families: We still need help for the Raffle and Bake Sale on Saturday. If you are willing to donate any items (gift cards, etc) for the raffle, please bring to the rink by Wednesday. To sign up to contribute to the bake sale or help on the...

Celebrate Skate Competition: Registration and Coupon Code
Good Evening, Euclid Blade and Edge Figure Skating Club is hosting the 2020 Celebrate Skate Basic Skills Competition on Saturday January 25, 2020. To those skaters who register for the Celebrate Skate Competition tomorrow on Cyber Monday 12/02/2019 there will be a Coupon code for $10 off at checkout....

Holiday Show on 12/7: Sign Up Now!
Dear SFSC Families: The 2019 SFSC Holiday Show will take place on Saturday, December 7 from 4:45-6:45 pm. The cost is $15 per skater and each number should be about 1:30 in length. Skaters may perform alone or form duets/trios/groups. Winter/holiday songs are welcome, but songs do not have...

Ballet Class Begins Monday 11/4
We are excited to offer a new Ballet Class that will begin tomorrow, Monday, November 4th, from 4:30-5:30pm in the Community Room at Thornton Park. The class will be taught by Barbara Fitzgerald Ballet Instructor, USFS – Gold Freestyle, Gold Figures, CFSA – Gold Freestyle, Gold Figures, ISU –...

More Congrats!
Congratulations to SFSC member Daniel Klaber on qualifying for the USFSA 2020 Midwestern Sectional Singles Final, November 12-16 in Allen, Texas. Congrats to SFSC coach Jennifer Martino on qualifying for Skate Indonesia. Best of luck to both of you!

Ice Show Registration is OPEN!
Hello! Registration is now open for The 2020 Shaker Spring Ice Spectacular! On the club’s website at, you will find registration forms for the show and auditions, as well as criteria for automatic solos and specialty number auditions. Forms can also be picked up in the clear brochure containers...

Save the Date: Ice Show Specialty Number Auditions
Ice show specialty number auditions will be held Tuesday, November 12 from 6pm-7pm at Thornton Park. Requirements for those auditioning are: -USFS member in good standing by audition date -SFSC home club or associate member in good standing -Passed pre-preliminary moves test by audition date -Second grade or higher...

Congratulations to Nathan and Elena!
Congratulations to SFSC members Nathan Chapple and Elena Luria who have qualified for the USFSA 2020 Midwestern Sectional Singles Final, November 12-16 in Allen, Texas. We’ll be cheering you on!

No Clinics Thanksgiving Week
Please note that there will be no Silver clinic on Wednesday, November 27 or Bronze clinic on Friday, November 29. The clinic time will convert to open ice.

Strength & Stretch Clinic Canceled Tomorrow 10/12
No Strength & Stretch at 10 am on 10/12. Contracted skaters will be credited. Sorry for any inconvenience.