It is that time of year again- time to put new loose leaf paper in the Trapper Keeper, shine up the Spiderman lunchbox, and of course, start to contract your fall ice! Here are the details: Dates: August 23- December 18th with no ice on: Labor Day; Thanksgiving Day;...

No Club Ice Thursday 5/13
Please note that there are no practice ice sessions on Thursday evening this week as that time is being used for the Ice Show dress rehearsal.

Ice Reservation System Planned Outage
Our hosting provider that hosts our Ice+ system is doing upgrades on May 1 between 9am and 9pm. There will be a 35 minute window during this time that Ice+ will be down. Unfortunately, it is not known when exactly on Saturday this 35 minute outage will occur. We...

Registration for Summer Skate Packages is Open!
Sign up for Summer Skate packages is now open for all Home Club and Associate members. We will open sign up for guests on 4/10. To sign up, in Ice+, once you have logged in, click on ‘Shaker Summer Skate Packages’. Please let your ice administrator know ( if...

Shaker Summer Skate Sessions: Sign Up Now Open
Sign up for Summer Skate packages is now open for all Home Club members. We will open sign up for associate members on 4/4 and guests on 4/10. To sign up, in Ice+, once you have logged in, click on ‘Shaker Summer Skate Packages’. Please email Rob ( if...

Test Session 5/10
Dear fellow member, A new test session is now available to our skaters: Shaker FSC Test Session – May 10, 2021 Please login to your membership account to register a family member for this test session. Date of session: Mon, May 10, 2021 Signup deadline: Mon, May 3, 2021...

Exciting SFSC Announcement!
Hi SFSC Members- Big. Huge. Exciting News. The Shaker FSC will be hosting an Ice Show this spring! Save the Date: May 16, 2021 at 2:30 pm More details to come very soon! Thanks, Debra Hollander SFSC Secretary

Shaker Summer Skate Sessions
We are excited to announce that the club will be offering ice sessions including practice ice and clinics all summer long to both members and guests. Please read the FAQ below for details. 1. What is the Shaker Summer Skate? The program is a combination of club practice ice,...

Test Session Scheduled for 2/8
A new test session is now available to our skaters: February 8, 2021 – Shaker FSC Test Session Please login to your membership account to register a family member for this test session. Date of session: Mon, Feb 8, 2021 Signup deadline: Mon, Feb 1, 2021 11:59 PM

Please Note: Changes to Monday and Wednesday Ice Times
I hope this finds everyone well. We have some changes to our Monday and Wednesday evening ice times: Monday evenings (Starting 1/25) our schedule slides fifteen minutes later to: 5:15-6:15PM 6:15-7:15PM Wednesday evenings (Starting 1/20) our schedule slides 45 minutes later to: 5:15-6:15PM 6:15-7:15PM 7:15-7:45PM Fire and Ice Clinic...