Ballet has been canceled for Monday, February 12. Contracted skaters will be credited for this session.

Pole Harness Lessons Available 2/7-2/8
We have the opportunity to offer pole harness jump lessons with Geoff Dionisio at Thornton Feb. 7-8 from 6-8 am during club ice time. Geoff is a world-renowned portable harness specialist who works at the Toronto Cricket Skating and Curling Club. Geoff has had an instrumental role in the...

HS Competition Volunteer Opportunities
Please take a moment and consider volunteering at the High School Competition February 10-11. Awards Table Volunteer Opportunities Registration Volunteer Opportunities Hospitality Volunteer Opportunities Monitor and Runner Volunteer Opportunities

IMPORTANT: Ice/Clinics Canceled 1/12-1/13; Rescheduled for 2/16-2/17
Due to a scheduling oversight, SFSC ice sessions on Friday, January 12 (bronze clinic 4:45-5:15 and Jr Club at 6:15pm) and Saturday, January 13 off-ice clinic (10:00am) and open ice (11am-1pm) are canceled. They will be exchanged for the same ice and clinic times on February 16 & 17,...

Shaker Heights City Ice Schedule 12/11-1/6
Please click here for the city’s holiday ice schedule from December 11-January 6.

Spring Contract Available Online NOW!
We are continuing to use ENTRYEEZE for contracting ice for the Spring 2018 contract. Please go to EntryEeze and log into your member account and choose the CONTRACT ICE tab to begin registering for sessions for Spring 2018. You can click here for a copy of the contract but this...

Thanks for Holiday Show Help!
Thank you to all of our volunteers, bakers, donors and skaters for helping to make tonight’s Holiday Show successful. Special thanks to Sharon Deutchman for collecting the registration fees; Stacey Krantz and Alicia Munn for planning and running the bake sale; to Debra Hollander for preparing the Program; to Miki...

SFSC Gear: New Items Added, Order Online Today for Holiday Gifts
SFSC gear is the perfect holiday gift for skaters (or parents)! New items added! But don’t wait – Order online by Monday December 11th in time for holidays. Hometown Threads is offering headbands, vests, throws, jackets, hats, and more and SFSC will retain 20% of sales. To see options and order, go to (To avoid shipping fees,...

Bake Sale Treats Needed!
Please consider donating individually wrapped baked goods for our annual bake sale to be held on Dec. 9, 2018 between the Chuck Rossbach Learn to Skate Competition and the SFSC Holiday Show. We will hold the bake sale beginning at 3:30. Sign up by clicking here.

Raffle Items Still Needed!
We are still accepting donations for the gift basket raffle for the club’s holiday show on Saturday, December 9. Please drop off items in the clubroom or at Carolyn Hawk’s house (3005 Glengary Rd. Shaker Heights) by Saturday. If you are unable to drop off your donations by Saturday,...