Pizza/Salad Bar/Dessert for 4/30 Ice Show Rehearsal

Every year, the Shaker FSC generously hosts a pizza/salad bar/dessert buffet lunch for all club and learn to skate skaters and ice show coaches participating in the ice show. We want to have the skaters nourished during a long afternoon as well as showing learn to skate families what a great organization we are! While the club arranges for the pizza, we need our club members to contribute salad bar items, snack items and desserts for the Sunday rehearsal. I’ve made some suggestions in the sign up up, but please feel free to get creative and add your own!

Please contact Erika Leiken at if you have any dietary restrictions so we can make accommodations. If possible, please label desserts with ingredients and/or allergens.

Please bring your items to the ballet room prior to the start of the rehearsal. We have over 100 skaters and coaches that will be working hard during the rehearsal, so please sign up to contribute!
